We are excited to be working with the Teacher Development Trust (TDT) as a local delivery partner; delivering a range of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).
The Teacher Development Trust is an internationally leading charity in the fields of staff development and school improvement through people development. Founded by practising teachers and leaders in 2012, they have helped hundreds of schools and leaders to create lasting improvement.
Gain a prestigious, government-backed qualification and make progress in your career and learn flexibly around your job with a blend of online learning, virtual sessions, and local face-to-face workshops.
Teachers and leaders employed in state-funded schools,
and those in state-funded 16 to 19 organisations can access fully-funded places for the NPQH and fully-funded places on all other NPQs if their school is in the top 50% of schools with pupils eligible for pupil premium funding. Please contact npq@durham.gov.uk to check if you qualify. Non-state funded schools and those who don’t meet this threshold can still complete an NPQ. The cost per person is:
NPQ Headship £1,899
NPQ Senior Leadership £1,149
NPQ Leading Teaching £899
NPQ Leading Teacher Development £899
If you would like to speak to an Education Durham Adviser about the TDT/Education Durham NPQs, please email dlc@durham.gov.uk
Join the TDT NPQ mailing list and a member of the TDT team will be in touch with further information about the application process.
Grow your expertise as both a strategic and operational leader, creating a culture where pupils and staff thrive, learning how to bring others with you on the journey. Develop expertise in the art, craft and science of school improvement through people development, working with staff, pupils, governors and the wider community to create lasting change. A completely updated NPQH for those who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school. An 18 month blend of flexible online learning, online discussion, virtual workshops and face to face workshops. This is followed by an eight day assessment window where you will complete a 1500 word case study assessment to demonstrate your understanding of real leadership and change. This course has an Autumn term start date with Education Durham. We will update when the course becomes available to register an interest. The course fee is £1,899. If you work in a maintained school that falls into the 50% of those with the highest proportion of pupils eligible for PP funding, the NPQ is fully-funded. Alongside the reformed suite of NPQs, there is an additional support offer for new headteachers from Autumn 2021. This is a targeted support package for teachers new to the role of headship. The additional support offer is available to those who meet the following criteria: The additional support offer provides structured, unassessed face-to-face support based on the best available evidence about what makes an effective headteacher. The way in which the additional support offer is delivered may vary between providers but could include a combination of group coaching, one-to-one support discussions and peer network support. The NPQSL is designed to help current and aspiring senior leaders build confidence and develop skills in tackling school improvement priorities, supporting the development of the school environment, contributing to the school’s strategic direction and helping staff feel supported and valued. An 18 month blend of flexible online learning, online discussion, virtual workshops and face to face workshops. This is followed by an eight day assessment window where you will complete a 1500 word case study assessment to demonstrate your understanding of real leadership and change. The course fee is £1,149. If you work in a maintained school that falls into the 50% of those with the highest proportion of pupils eligible for PP funding, the NPQ is fully-funded. Some participants in state-funded schools and academies in England may be eligible for full scholarship funding from the government for this qualification. Lead successful teacher progression and development in your school. Lead the development of other staff in your school, through coaching, mentoring and designing the highest quality CPD programmes. A ground-breaking new course for those who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school. A 12 month blend of flexible online learning, online discussion, virtual workshops and face to face workshops. This is followed by an eight day assessment window where you will complete a 1500 word case study assessment to demonstrate your understanding of real leadership and change. The course fee is £899. If you work in a maintained school that falls into the 50% of those with the highest proportion of pupils eligible for PP funding, the NPQ is fully-funded. Some participants in state-funded schools and academies in England may be eligible for full scholarship funding from the government for this qualification. Lead teaching, curriculum and assessment across a team. Develop expertise and leadership in the art, craft and science of effective teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment. Ideal for those who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibility to lead teaching in a subject, year-group, key stage or phase. A 12 month blend of flexible online learning, online discussion, virtual workshops and face to face workshops. This is followed by an eight day assessment window where you will complete a 1500 word case study assessment to demonstrate your understanding of real leadership and change. The course fee is £899. If you work in a maintained school that falls into the 50% of those with the highest proportion of pupils eligible for PP funding, the NPQ is fully-funded. Some participants in state-funded schools and academies in England may be eligible for full scholarship funding from the government for this qualification. National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH)
Additional support for the NPQ in Headship
National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL)
National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)
National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching (NPQLT)
Express interest in an NPQ
Please complete the form below to express your interest in enrolling on a National Professional Qualification. This will generate a full application form which will be emailed to you from the DfE.
Please note, this form is managed by the Teacher Development Trust. Please refer to the terms and conditions within their privacy policy.