Our occupational health service is accredited by Safe, Effective, Quality Occupational Health Service (SEQOHS) with a professional team including occupational health physicians and specialist nurse practitioners.
We offer a wide range of services to ensure the health, fitness and wellbeing of your staff, as well as making sure you comply with relevant legislation. We offer the following services:
Attendance management and management referrals
Individuals can be referred to our occupational health service for advice on a range of health issues affecting work, including sickness absence. Consultations will be arranged with a qualified occupational health professional. A report detailing workplace advice will be provided to the referring manager within the scope of professional ethics boundaries.
Fitness to work health assessments
- pre-employment / pre-placement assessments - following a job offer we can provide assessments and advice on fitness/suitability for work and reasonable adjustments in accordance with relevant employment legislation such as the Equality Act 2010
- night worker assessments - Working Time Regulations 1998 require night workers to be offered health assessments
The assessments include a screening questionnaire and subsequent telephone consultation where required.
Where health concerns are identified further appointments can be arranged with a qualified occupational health physician (Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (MFOM)).
- Construction plant operator fitness medicals - in accordance with the guidance contained in 'Medical Fitness to Operate Construction Plant - Good Practice Guide' by The Strategic Forum Plant Safety Group (SFPSG)
- Confined space fitness assessments (including wearers of breathing apparatus) - based on risk assessments in accordance with the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997.
- Work place assessments - specialist nurse practitioners can visit the work place and carry out an individual risk assessment, including the provision of a detailed report on suitable accommodations/recommendations. This includes advice on disability and reasonable adjustments in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments.
Health surveillance
We can advise on compliance with relevant health and safety legislation and best practice, in addition to providing statutory health surveillance including:
- hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVs) assessments as required by the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2015:
- initial or baseline assessment by specialist nurse practitioner (Tier 1)
- annual postal questionnaire by specialist nurse practitioner (Tier 2)
- clinical assessment by specialist nurse practitioner (Tier 3)
- assessment by occupational health physician (Tier 4)
- further referral for standardised testing can be arranged by us where considered useful (Tier 5)
- hearing conservation - questionnaire and audiogram (hearing test) carried out by a specialist nurse practitioner in accordance with the requirements of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
- respiratory health surveillance - respiratory questionnaire and lung function test carried out by a specialist nurse practitioner. These are carried out where workers are exposed to the listed agents or hazardous substances under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
- skin surveillance - workers can be at risk of developing skin conditions or infections. In some circumstances skin health inspections can be required. We can also offer training packages (toolbox talks) for workers and supervisors to education them on the risks and preventative measures
Where health concerns are identified further appointments can be arranged with a qualified occupational health physician (Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (MFOM)).
Asbestos worker medicals
We can provide medicals for licensed and non licensed asbestos workers.
Ill health retirement applications
Formulation and submission of ill health early retirement applications under the appropriate pension scheme.
Occupational immunisation
Where identified by risk assessment an appointment with a nurse practitioner can be offered to discuss appropriate immunisation programmes.
We also advise on inoculation injuries, such as sharps injury from a discarded needle.
Advice on the risk assessment process and recommended programmes for staff can also be provided.
- hepatitis B
- hepatitis A
- varicella
- MMR (priorix)
- influenza
Laboratory blood tests:
- hepatitis B
- varicella
- rubella
- measles
- gamma interferon (Quantiferon gold test)
Employee assistance programme (EAP)
Access for all staff and their immediate family to a staff benefit programme.
The EAP is available 24/7 on a freephone number and is available to help staff deal with personal problems that might otherwise impact on their work performance, health and well-being. This involves short-term counselling, legal, financial and consumer advice.
Face to face counselling and/or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Face to face psychological support can be arranged for staff as appropriate following a clinical assessment.
Health promotion services
A range of tailored health promotion materials and information can be provided to meet your needs.
We can also offer a bespoke package tailored to your needs. If you would like to discuss your needs, please contact us for more information.